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About the Challenge

The Intel® Edge Solutions Challenge (IESC) is an on-going series of time-bound campaigns designed to support and award our ecosystem partners as they develop and deploy optimized solutions based on Intel® architecture and ingredients.

Edge AI for Smart Cities & Transportation

You are invited to participate in this challenge titled “Edge AI for Smart Cities & Transportation”.

Qualified solutions that meet the challenge requirements will be judged and top solutions will receive even more benefits and awards.

After a participant registers, they can access online resources including training collateral, webinars, and Intel Advisors. Once a project is created, they can further receive premium level of engagement such as technical support, business consultation, and channel scale connections.

Please note that an active Intel Partnership Alliance (IPA) membership is required to participate in this challenge. Go to the IPA Overview page to learn more.

3 Targeted Use Cases

Technical innovation is at the center of how societies build and manage cities, and new technology is critical to advancing the way populations move, organize, and evolve.

For this challenge we are looking for solutions that use Intel technologies and AI at the edge to enhance safety and security, improve operational efficiency, and increase sustainability.

The submission deadline is October 15th, 2024. Companies may submit multiple solutions, and each solution can align with one of the targeted use cases or all three.

  • Safety and Security of Citizens

  • Operational Efficiency of Cities and Transportation

  • Sustainability

Benefits & Awards

Solutions that meet the hardware and software requirements will be reviewed by Intel, and the top solutions will receive the awards noted in the table below, in accordance with and subject to the terms and conditions of the challenge (refer to the Official Rules).

Judging Criteria

Solutions will be judged based on meeting the entry level criteria, the adoption of recommended hardware and software, and the adoption of bonus components. Refer to the Hardware & Software section to learn more about the required, recommended, and bonus hardware and software components.

Entry Level Criteria

40% of score

Minimum Requirements

Solutions that meet the following minimum requirements will move into the judging round.

  • Uses at least one ingredient from both the “Minimum Required Hardware” and “Minimum Required Software” lists.
  • Aligns with one or more of the three use case descriptions.
  • Meets the terms and conditions specified in the Official Rules.
  • An active Intel Partnership Alliance (IPA) membership is required to participate in this challenge. Go to the IPA Overview page to learn more.

Solution Functionality

In the submission phase, we would like to see information that helps us understand your solution such as:

  • Use case and solution description
  • Solution architecture diagrams 
  • Information about how AI is implemented at the edge
  • Networking or connectivity requirements
  • Additional features such as the use of generative AI or vision technologies

Solution Availability

Additionally, in the submission phase we would also like to learn more about your solution such as:

  • The current commercial availability of this solution
  • Descriptions about the number of end-users or customer deployments
  • Existing or planned availability across geographies
  • If the solution can be purchased under one single source

Recommended Components

50% of score

Solutions that adopt more components from the list of Recommended Hardware and Software section can receive higher scores.

Bonus Components

10% of score

Solutions that adopt components from the Bonus section can receive higher scores.

Use Cases

Partners are welcome to submit multiple solutions, and each solution can align with one or more of the use cases listed below. Although we’ve provided a few examples, we encourage you to be creative and submit any solution that meets the challenge criteria. Please note that we are particularly interested in solutions that use both vision and AI technologies.  

Safety and Security of Citizens

Solutions in this category will use Edge AI and video analytics to make cities smarter and safer for everyone.

Examples include, but not limited to:

  • Accidental Fall Detection
  • Authorized Access Control for People or Vehicles
  • Crowd Formation or Loitering Detection
  • Human Wellness Monitoring
  • Intrusion Detection
  • Sensor-Fusion Based Safety and Security
  • Smoke or Fire Detection
  • Unattended Bag, Package, or Vehicle Detection
  • Violence Detection

Operational Efficiency 

of Cities and Transportation

These solutions will help societies build more efficient communities and transportation infrastructures.

Examples include, but not limited to:

  • ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) 
  • Container Tracking and Management at Ports
  • Dynamic Traffic Toll Pricing
  • Parking Lot Occupancy Detection
  • Ports and Maritime Safety
  • Railway Safety and Efficiency
  • Smart RSU (Road-Side Unit)
  • Traffic Management and Road Safety


For this challenge, sustainability is about supporting environmental efforts that address the depletion of natural resources or reduce carbon emissions.

Examples include, but not limited to:

  • Agriculture Monitoring
  • AgTech and Urban Farming
  • Biodiversity Monitoring and Management
  • Electric Vehicles Charging Stations
  • Environmental Monitoring and Early Warning Systems
  • Pest, Weed, and Disease Detection
  • Waste Avoidance and Reuse 
  • Wastewater Use and Treatment

Hardware & Software

Edge AI solutions must use at least one of the “Minimum Required Hardware” technologies and at least one of the “Minimum Required Software” technologies listed below. Solutions will receive higher scores for adding one or more technologies listed in the “Recommended Hardware and Software” and “Bonus Components” sections.  

If you’re interested in learning more about the Intel® Edge AI Box, please visit the Intel® Edge AI Box overview page, or go to the Intel® Edge Software Recommended Hardware page to see a list of qualified devices. 

Minimum Required Hardware and Software

Minimum Required Hardware

(at least one of the following technologies)

Minimum Required Software

(at least one of the following technologies)

  • A qualified Intel® Edge AI Box 
  • 12th Gen Intel® Core Processor or newer
  • 3rd Generation Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors or newer
  • Intel® Atom Processors x7000E series or newer 
  • Intel® Processor N-series
  • Intel® Xeon® D-1700 or D-2700 Processor series or newer
  • Intel® Xeon® W-2400 or W-3400 Processor series or newer
  • Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit
  • Intel® Extension for PyTorch
  • Intel® oneDNN
  • ONNX-RT backed with Intel® OpenVINO™ or oneDNN execution provider

Recommended Hardware and Software

Recommended Hardware

Recommended Software

  • 12th Gen Intel® Core™ Processors for IoT Edge or newer
  • Intel® Arc™ Graphics
  • Intel® Data Center GPU Flex series 
  • Ethernet Network Adapter E810CQDA, Intel® ACC100 eASIC, or Intel® QAT
  • Intel® Iris® Xe Graphics
  • Intel® RealSense™ Technologies
  • Intel vPro® Platform
  • Intel® Deep Learning Streamer (DLStreamer)
  • Intel® Edge AI Box reference software
  • Intel® Extension for Scikit-learn
  • Intel® Extension for Transformers
  • Intel® FlexRAN
  • Intel® Geti™ platform
  • Intel® In-Band Manageability
  • Intel® oneAPI 
  • Intel® oneAPI Video Processing Library (oneVPL)
  • Intel® OpenVINO Model Server
  • Intel® SceneScape
  • Intel® Active Management Technology (AMT)
  • Intelligent Traffic Management Reference Implementation from Intel
  • Video Processing Platform SDK (VPPSDK) from Intel

Recommended Features

  • Intel® Total Memory Encryption (TME) enabled
  • Measured Boot
  • TPM 2.0 (Trusted Platform Module) software chain of trust


Bonus Components

  • Intel® Edge AI Box reference software
  • Intel® Core™ Ultra Processor with Neural Processing Unit (NPU) based inferencing

Who Should Participate

Whether you are an emerging technology pioneer or an established company, we invite you to participate. We believe this campaign will especially resonate with companies that identify themselves as a CoSP, Disti, ODM/OEM, ISV, SI, SA, or Solution Provider.

Communications Service Provider (CoSP)

Distributors (Disti)

Hardware Manufacturer (ODM/OEM)

Independent Software Vendor (ISV)

Service Integrator (SI)

Solutions Aggregator (SA)

Solutions Provider


Submissions will be accepted March 31st - October 15th, 2024.

Registration and Submissions Open

Kickoff Webinar

Project Development

Project Submission Deadline

Winners Announced

Mar 31

Mar 31

Mar 31 - Oct 15

Oct 15

Jan 2025

Intel® Premium Enabling Services

Engage with Intel Advisors and Experts During the Challenge

For the duration of the challenge, registered participants can access a global team of Intel Premium Enabling Services advisors and experts to help accelerate the development and scale of your company’s solution.

Our team has wealth of knowledge in various use cases implementation such as Safety and Security, Operational Efficiency, and Sustainability.

We provide dedicated global resources to enable Intel technologies or software in your application including Edge AI Model Optimization and Edge Technology Enabling such as Manageability, Security, etc.

What Will Be Provided

  • Dedicated Intel solution enabling resources
  • Enable customer time to market in technology adoption
  • Complement customer software skillset gap
  • Enable customer application with Intel technologies
  • Optimize performance using Intel Software (OpenVINO™, Edge Software, Intel® OneAPI)

Edge AI Model Optimization Services

  • AI model creation, conversion, optimization, and retraining

Edge Technology Enabling Services

  • Manageability (eg. Intel® vPro AMT)
  • Boot Time Optimization (e.g. Optimization for Platform)
  • Security (e.g. Intel® Total Memory Encryption, Measured Boot, Trusted Platform Module)
  • Security Verification (e.g. Data Protection and Encryption)

More Info


Feel free to send us an email if you have questions about this challenge.

Email the Organizers

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